2022 Economic and Market Outlook – Chat With Alexis Gray

These sessions form part of our investment committee’s intel collection and assist us in recommending a best of breed investment solution.

In this session, I invited back Alexis Gray for a chat. Alexis is a Senior Economist at Vanguard. Alexis has a rich background in markets and has appeared on many of the prominent media channels like Bloomberg, and CNBC, really operating as an ambassador for the Vanguard brand.

We focused on the following questions and themes:

  • What asset classes should investors turn to in the current market to get returns?
  • What should investors be focused on in the economy to help us understand where the markets are heading? What’s important and what’s just noise.
  • What is the impact of the Ukraine Russia War on markets?
  • What are some investment timing tips?

Please feel free to get in touch on 1300 925 081 or send an email to info@satoriadvisory.com.au if you’d like to book in a chat on the above or on other matters.


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